NIO Car Configurator 3D Transform and Usability Research

Electric Vehicle Configurator Redesign Research

Company: NIO
: Mobile APP(蔚来) - Car Configurator
Project Duration: 04.2022 - 05.2022 (1 month)
My Role: User Researcher
Methods: Survey, Usability Test, Competitive Analysis
Collaboration: 1 Design Lead, 1 UI designer, 1 UX Designer

NIO aims to enhance the vehicle configuration experience by transitioning from 2D to 3D. Through a combination of surveys and usability testing, my research identified user pain points and preferences in 3D prototype designs. Collaborating with designers, we used these insights to deliver a seamless and engaging 3D car configurator, significantly improving user experience and enabling users to personalize their dream electric vehicles effortlessly.
My Contributions
Designed and conducted a comprehensive series of research.
Analyzed the collected data to uncover critical insights regarding user interactions with the 3D configurator.
Worked closely with the design team to translate research findings into actionable design improvements.
What is NIO Mobile APP?

The NIO app is designed to enhance the experience of NIO vehicle owners and enthusiasts. It offers several features that integrate with NIO's electric vehicles and services, fostering a community around its brand.

Current Car Configurator

1. A step-by-step customization process
2. Show separate parts during configuration
3. Use figures from different perspectives to show the car

Initial Research Brief

The product team aimed to revolutionize the vehicle configuration experience by transitioning from traditional 2D interfaces to immersive 3D environments.
The primary goal is to develop a seamless and captivating car configurator that allows users to effortlessly personalize their dream electric vehicles, enhancing their experience and increasing the likelihood of completing an order.
Identify user pain points and preferences with the current 2D configuration experience.
Understand user expectations and interactions with 3D prototype designs.

Research Questions

What are the pain points with the current 2D configurator?
How do users perceive the new features and what are their usage patterns?
What are the differences in usage and satisfaction levels among various user groups?


Survey to understand the pain points of current 2D design.
Usability testing to explore the new design.


NIO is an electric vehicle producer with an application to provide a digital platform that supports various aspects of owning and interacting with NIO electric vehicles, lifestyle, and community.

Initial Research Brief

aimed to revolutionize the vehicle configuration experience by transitioning from traditional 2D interfaces to immersive 3D environments. The primary goal is to create a seamless and engaging car configurator that would enable users to personalize their dream electric vehicles. Identify user pain points and preferences with the current 2D configuration experience.
Understand user expectations and interactions with 3D prototype designs.

More Coming Soon!