Art Therapy in Schizophrenia with fNIRS

Yan, W., Ji, W., Su, C., Yu, Y., Yu, X., & Chen, L. (2021). Anger Experience and Anger Expression Through Drawing in Schizophrenia: An fNIRS Study. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 721148.

Institute: East China Normal University
: Wenhua Yan
: 01.2021 - 05.2021
My Role: Data Analyst, Co-Author
Methods: fNIRS (Neuroscience), Scale, Statistic Analysis

Project Overview
Emotion could be expressed through unaware creation processes like drawing. Using MATLAB to analyze functional Near Infrared (fNIRS) data from normal individuals and schizophrenic patients, my research coded the drawing and explored its correlation with the brain activity level.
My Contributions
Analyzed functional Near Infrared (fNIRS) data from 19 normal individuals and 18 schizophrenic patients using MATLAB.
Conducted t-test for significance testing on brain activation and correlation test on brain indicators with behavioral indicators.
Drafted, translated, and revised manuscript.

I believe in the multiple methods and data to reveal things from different parts. This project allowed me to evaluate emotion in an unaware way.
Expressed emotion through drawing and coded the drawing accompanied with the brain activity level provided by functional Near Infrared (fNIRS) data.
With the publishment process, I also tried how to contribute the article to a journal, and how to argue and reply to the reviewers. I gained the skillset to analyze neurophysiological data and how to be a researcher and form an official article.